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ol video ol-intro
Provision a user and ssh key with Ansible
ol video ol-remote
Scheduling Tasks
ol lab tutorial ol-admin
Use Systemd
ol lab tutorial ol-install
Software Management
ol video ol-intro
Use Network Bound Disk Encryption
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Permissions Overview
ol video ol-intro
Install Oracle Linux
ol video ol-intro
Install NGINX
ol lab tutorial ol-admin
Users and Groups
ol video ol-intro
Using vim
ol video ol-intro
Files and Directories
ol video ol-intro
Linux Shell and CLI
ol video ol-intro
Running DNF
ol lab tutorial ol-package
System Logging with journald
ol video ol-monitor
Use Snapper to Automate Btrfs Snapshots
ol video ol-storage
Mirror a Yum Repository
ol lab tutorial ol-package
Automount NFS Shares
ol video ol-storage
Switch from CentOS 8
ol tutorial ol-install
Create an NFS Server
ol lab tutorial ol-storage