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Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Ocne Kubernetes Track
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Oracle Cloud Native Environment Track

Oracle Cloud Native Environment is a fully integrated suite for the development and management of cloud-native applications.

Oracle Cloud Native Environment is a curated set of open source projects that are based on open standards, specifications and APIs defined by the Open Container Initiative (OCI) and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that can be easily deployed, have been tested for interoperability and for which enterprise-grade support is offered.

Oracle Cloud Native Environment delivers a simplified framework for installations, updates, upgrades and configuration of key features for orchestrating microservices.

Oracle Cloud Native Environment Installation section banner

Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Use Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use Vertical Pod Autoscaling
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Scale an Oracle Cloud Native Environment Cluster
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Install OCI Cluster
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use Kubepug
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Configure the UI
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Run Ingress-nginx with MetalLB
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Install libvirt Cluster
Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use Operators
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Deploy and use Ingress-Nginx Controller
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment User Interface
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Backup Control Plane Nodes
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Manually Install on OCI
Ocne Tutorial Ocne-Install
Run KubeVirt
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
How to Upgrade
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Provision PersistentVolumes Using File Storage Service
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use Quick Install to Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Enable Istio Proxy Sidecar Injection
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Scale a Kubernetes Cluster
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use OCI Cloud Controller Manager
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Use MetalLB
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Deploy an External Load Balancer
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Deploy an Internal Load Balancer
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Compact Deployment
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment
Ocne Lab Tutorial Ocne-Install
Kubernetes section banner


An open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications, Kubernetes provides the tools to build a cluster of systems to support the launching of containerized applications. These containers can be deployed across the cluster systems and scaled as needed.

Manage kubeconfig Files with kubectl
Ocne Video Clips Ocne-K8s
Manage Deployments with kubectl
Ocne Video Clips Ocne-K8s
Use Affinity
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use Labels and Node Selectors
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use Taints and Tolerations
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use ConfigMaps and Secrets
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use Stateless Deployments
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use and Configure CoreDNS
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Use Kubectl to Manage Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Introducing Kubectl
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Run Kubernetes
Ocne Ocne2 Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Manage Namespaces with kubectl
Ocne Video Clips Ocne-K8s
Install kind
K8s Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s
Install Minikube
K8s Lab Tutorial Ocne-K8s