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Storage Management

partitions fstab nfs btrfs filesystems
Oracle Linux - This article is part of a series.
Part 9: This Article
Whether manually partitioning your primary disk, adding additional disks for storage, or creating shared storage, working with disks is a skill all Linux Administrators should know. These videos will get you started on using fdisk, formatting, filesystems, and disk encryption.


Encrypt drives using LUKS
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Use and Enable ACLs
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Reduce and Relocate Volume Groups
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Build a Software RAID Array
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Logical Volume Management
ol video ol-storage
Configure Logical Volumes
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Configure RAID Logical Volumes
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Create a Highly Available NFS Service with Gluster
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Get Started with the Btrfs File System
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Introduction to GlusterFS
ol video ol-storage
Set up Gluster Storage
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Work with File Systems
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Use Network-Bound Disk Encryption
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Use Snapper to Automate Btrfs Snapshots
ol video ol-storage
Automount NFS Shares
ol video ol-storage
Use autofs
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Create an NFS Server
ol lab tutorial ol-storage
Btrfs Subvolumes and Snapshots
ol video ol-storage
Get Started with the Btrfs File System
ol video ol-storage
Using the XFS File System
ol video ol-storage
Configure an NFS Server
ol video ol-storage
Mount an NFS Export
ol video ol-storage
Using Swap Space
ol video ol-storage
Mounting File Systems
ol video ol-storage
Using Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 File Systems
ol video ol-storage
Using fstab to Mount Devices
ol video ol-storage
Disk Partitioning with fdisk
ol video ol-storage

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Oracle Linux - This article is part of a series.
Part 9: This Article