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OS Management Hub

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Table of Contents
OS Management Hub Track Banner

Oracle OS Management Hub (formerly OS Management) is the next-generation management solution for your operating system environments. Use a centralized management console to manage updates and patches for instances in Oracle Cloud Iinfrastructure(OCI), on-premises data centers, or supported third-party cloud environments.

OS Management Hub supports Oracle Linux instances in OCI, on-premises data centers, and 3rd party cloud and is included with all Oracle Linux Basic and Premier Support subscriptions at no additional cost.

OS Management Hub provides:

  • Tools for tracking and resolving critical security and bug updates across environments of Oracle Linux instances.
  • Methods for grouping systems and monitoring updates.
  • Capabilities to deliver staged rollouts of security errata and other content, with control points from development through production.
  • Integration with mission critical Oracle Linux features, such as Oracle Ksplice for zero-downtime security updates.


Deploying OS Management Hub

osmh video osmh-deploy
Preparing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
osmh video osmh-deploy
Setting up OCI Policy
osmh video osmh-deploy
Selecting Software Sources
osmh video osmh-deploy
Creating and Registering Management Stations
osmh video osmh-deploy
Creating and Managing Profiles
osmh video osmh-deploy
Registering Non-OCI Environments
osmh video osmh-deploy
Creating Groups
osmh video osmh-deploy

Managing OS in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Creating and Registering OCI Compute Instances
osmh video osmh-oci

Developing OS Software Content with Lifecycle Environments

Managing OS Updates with Lifecycles
osmh video osmh-dev
Creating Lifecycle Environments
osmh video osmh-dev
Promoting Through Lifecycles
osmh video osmh-dev

Administering Instances in OS Management Hub

Create Software Sources with Package Lists
osmh tutorial osmh-admin
Adding and Attaching Software Sources
osmh video osmh-admin
Search for Packages
osmh video osmh-admin
Managing Jobs
osmh video osmh-admin

Migrating to OS Management Hub

Migrating an Oracle Linux Manager Client
osmh tutorial osmh-migrate
Comparing Oracle Linux Manager
osmh video osmh-migrate
Migrating from Oracle Linux Manager
osmh video osmh-migrate