Interface for representing result sets as returned by execute().


  • IResultSet


metaData: IMetaData[]

Contains an array of objects with metadata about the query.

Each column's name is always given. If extendedMetaData is true, additional information is included.


  • This function defines the default iterator for a result set which can be used to iterate over its rows. Using the default iterator, a result set can be iterated over using the for..of construct.


    IError if the result set has already been closed


    IError if the result set is already being iterated over

    Returns IterableIterator<any>

  • Closes a result set.

    Applications must always call this at the end of fetch or when no more rows are needed.

    It must also be called if no rows will ever be fetched from the result set.

    Returns any

  • This call fetches one row of the result set as an object or an array of column values, depending on the value of outFormat.

    At the end of fetching, the result set must be freed by calling close().

    Performance of getRow() can be tuned by adjusting the value of fetchArraySize.

    Returns any

  • This call fetches numRows rows of the result set as an object or an array of column values, depending on the value of outFormat.

    At the end of fetching, the result set must be freed by calling close().

    Performance of getRows() can be tuned by adjusting the value of fetchArraySize.


    • numRows: number

    Returns any[]

  • Convenience function for getting an iterator of this IResultSet.

    This is equivalent to calling rsSymbol.iterator.


    an iterator over the rows of this IResultSet.


    IError if the result set has already been closed


    IError if the result set is already being iterated over

    Returns IterableIterator<any>