Class IDbObjectClassAbstract

Interface for representing the named Oracle Database object or collection.


Oracle 23.3


  • IDbObjectClass


attributes?: Record<string, IDbObjectAttributes>

List of attributes corresponding to the Oracle Database object attributes. The name of each attribute follows normal Oracle casing semantics.

elementType?: number

When dbObject.isCollection is true, this will have a value corresponding to one of the Oracle Database Type Constants.

elementTypeClass?: IDbObjectClass

When dbObject.isCollection is true and the elements in the collection refer to database objects, this property provides the type class information of the elements.


Oracle 23.4

elementTypeName?: string

When dbObject.isCollection is true, this will have the name of the element type, such as “VARCHAR2” or “NUMBER”.

fqn?: string

Fully qualified name of the Oracle Database object or collection.

isCollection?: boolean

True if the Oracle object is a collection, false otherwise.

length?: number

When dbObject.isCollection is true, this will have the number of elements in the collection. It is undefined for non-collections.

name?: string

Name of the Oracle Database object or collection.

packageName?: string

String which identifies the name of the package, if the type refers to a PL/SQL type. Otherwise, it returns undefined. * *


Oracle 23.4

schema?: string

Schema owning the Oracle Database object or collection.


  • Adds the given value to the end of the collection.


    • value: any

    Returns void

  • Deletes the value from the collection at the given index.


    • index: number

    Returns void

  • Returns the value associated with the given index.


    • index: number

    Returns any

  • Returns the first index for later use to obtain the value.

    Returns number

  • Returns a JavaScript array containing the ‘index’ keys.

    Returns number[]

  • Obtains the last index for later use to obtain a value.

    Returns number

  • Returns the next index value for later use to obtain a value.


    • index: number

    Returns any

  • Returns the previous index for later use to obtain the value.


    • index: number

    Returns any

  • Returns an array of element values as a JavaScript array in key order.

    Returns any[]

  • Returns true if an element exists in the collection at the given index. Returns false otherwise.


    • index: number

    Returns boolean

  • To set the given value at the position of the given index.


    • index: number
    • value: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • count: number

      : Trims the specified number of elements from the end of the collection.

    Returns IDbObjectClass