metaMetadata for the collection. The metadata will conform to the JSON object layout specified in the Oracle Database "SODA Collection Metadata Components (Reference)" documentation.
nameName of the collection.
createCreates an index on a SODA collection to improve the performance of SODA query-by-examples (QBE) or to enable text searches. Different index types can be created as long as the indexSpec parameter conforms to the JSON object layout specified in the Oracle Database "SODA Index Specifications (Reference)" documentation.
an exception if the index creation fails.
index specification, see "SODA Index Specifications (Reference)"
dropDrops the current collection.
a DropResult containing a dropped value of true if the drop operation succeeded or false if the collection does not exist.
an exception if the collection drop fails.
dropDrops the specified index.
a DropIndexResult containing a dropped value of true if the drop index operation succeeded or false if the index doesn't exist.
an exception if the index drop fails.
the name of the index to drop
options: IDropIndexOptionsan optional force flag may be specified
findLocates and orders a set of SODA documents for retrieval, replacement, or removal with non-terminal and terminal methods, see SodaOperation for details.
a SodaOperation object which is used via method chaining
getInfers the schema of a collection of JSON documents. The data guide is represented as JSON content in a SodaDocument.
a new SodaDocument containing the inferred schema.
an exception if the schema inference fails.
insertInserts an array of Objects or SodaDocuments into the collection.
an exception if a document insertion fails. The offset attribute on the Error object will contain the number of documents that were successfully inserted. Subsequent documents in the input array will not be inserted.
an array of Objects or SodaDocuments to be inserted into the collection.
insertInserts an array of Objects or SodaDocuuments into the collection and returns the documents which contain all SodaDocument components except for content, for performance reasons.
an array of inserted SodaDocuments.
an exception if a document insertion fails. The offset attribute on the Error object will contain the number of documents that were successfully inserted. Subsequent documents in the input array will not be inserted.
an array of Objects or SodaDocuments to be inserted into the collection.
insertInserts a given document to the collection. The input document can be either a JavaScript object representing the data content, or it can be an existing SodaDocument.
an exception if insertion fails.
an Object or SodaDocument to insert into the collection.
insertInserts a document in a collection and returns the result document that contains all SodaDocument components except for content, for performance reasons.
the inserted SodaDocument.
an exception if insertion fails.
the Object or SodaDoc to insert into the collection.
saveThis method behaves like sodaCollection.insertOne() with the exception that if a document with the same key already exists, then it is updated instead. The collection must use client-assigned keys, which is why save() accepts only a SodaDocument, unlike insertOne(). If the collection is not configured with client-assigned keys, then the behavior is exactly the same as sodaCollection.insertOne().
the document to save.
saveThis method behaves like sodaCollection.insertOneAndGet() with the exception that if a document with the same key already exists, then it is updated instead. The collection must use client-assigned keys, which is why saveAndGet() accepts only a SodaDocument, unlike insertOneAndGet(). If the collection is not configured with client-assigned keys, then the behavior is exactly the same as sodaCollection.insertOneAndGet().
the saved document.
the document to save.
truncateThis method truncates a collection, removing all documents. The collection will not be deleted.
an exception if truncation fails.
SODA collection class. A SODA collection is a set of SodaDocuments.