Interface for options used in execute().


  • IExecuteOptions


extendedMetaData?: boolean

Overrides parameters.extendedMetaData.

fetchArraySize?: number

Overrides parameters.fetchArraySize.

fetchInfo?: IFetchInfo

Object defining how query column data should be represented in JavaScript. It can be used in conjunction with, or instead of, the global settings parameters.fetchAsString, parameters.fetchAsPlsqlWrapper, and parameters.fetchAsUint8Array. See for further information.

fetchTypeHandler?: ((v: any) => any)

Type declaration

    • (v: any): any
    • Overrides parameters.fetchTypeHandler.


      Oracle 23.7


      • v: any

      Returns any

keepInStmtCache?: boolean

When keepInStmtCache is true, and statement caching is enabled, then the statement will be added to the cache if it is not already present. This helps the performance of re-executed statements.

The default value is true.


Oracle 23.4

maxRows?: number

Overrides parameters.maxRows.

outFormat?: number

Overrides parameters.outFormat.

resultSet?: boolean

Determines whether query results should be returned as a IResultSet object or directly. The default is false.