JavaScript API for Oracle type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.


  • IOracleTimestampTZ



  • Convert this IOracleTimestampTZ to an IOracleTimestampTZ in the specified time zone. The time zone string has to contain either a time zone offset of the form '(+|-)HH:MM' or a time zone region name.

    The function returns an error if the date lies in a DST transition period in the specified time zone and if the Oracle Database parameter ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME is true for the current session.


    • timezone: string

      The time zone string.

    Returns IOracleTimestampTZ

  • Parse a string into an IOracleTimestampTZ. An optional datetime format model and an optional NLS parameter string can be provided. If no format model is specified, the string must be in the default format for the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type, which is determined by the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter.

    If an NLS parameter string is specified, it has the effect of temporarily altering the session's NLS settings for the duration of the call to this method. The NLS parameter string may set the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE parameter.

    If a datetime format model is specified, it overrides the datetime format determined by NLS settings (i.e. the setting of the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ parameter).

    The function returns an error if the specified date lies in a DST transition period and if the Oracle Database parameter ERROR_ON_OVERLAP_TIME is true for the current session.


    an IOracleTimestampTZ object


    • date: string

      date represented as a string

    • Optional format: string

      optional datetime format model

    • Optional nlsParam: string

      optional NLS parameter string. Must have the same format as the NLS argument to the TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ SQL function.

    Returns any

  • Gets the day component in the Gregorian calendar.


    day component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the fractional second component.


    fractional second component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the hour component.


    hour component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the minute component.


    minute component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the month component in the Gregorian calendar.


    month component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the second component.


    second component as number

    Returns number

  • Gets the time zone of an IOracleTimestampTZ.


    the time zone name as string

    Returns string

  • Gets the year component in the Gregorian calendar.


    year component as number

    Returns number

  • Converts the given datetime to a string in a given format. An optional datetime format model and an optional NLS parameter string can be provided. If no format model and/or no NLS parameter string is provided, the respective default values for the session are used.

    If an NLS parameter string is specified, it has the effect of temporarily altering the session's NLS settings for the duration of the call to this method. The NLS parameter string may set the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE parameter.

    If a datetime format model is specified, it overrides the datetime format determined by NLS settings.


    a string of the timestamp


    • Optional format: string

      datetime format model

    • Optional nlsParam: string

      optional NLS parameter string

    Returns string